During May 2012 Sophie’s parents noticed a tremor in her left arm and after numerous hospital visits and finally an MRI scan in June, the family received the terrible news that Sophie had an aggressive brain tumour. Initially we set up ‘KissyPuppy’ as a mechanism to fund raise for Sophie and her family. Sadly Sophie lost her battle at the end of 2013 but KissyPuppy intends to continue to provide support to children on the Isle of Wight suffering from life-shortening conditions and is now KissyPuppy – The Sophie Rolf Trust.

KissyPuppy News.
Looking at the latest news and the successful projects from the history of the Sophie Rolf Trust.
Generous gift allows full hospice story to be told
Media Release For release 3 April 2018 Generous gift allows full hospice story to be told A very generous gift in kind from a highly experienced international marketing expert who lives in Ventnor, and his award-winning agency Thinkfarm, has given a unique...
Happy New Year 2017
Before the hundreds of Happy New Years fill our screens this evening we once again would like to thank all of you out there that have given so much, not just this past year, to helping our cause. As we reflect on 2017 as a charity we cannot believe you have...
Christmas 2017
As the most magical day of the year is almost upon us we would like once again to thank all of you for your continued support, generosity and above all kindness in all our endeavours. You all know how much we miss our princess and without sounding like a page from a...
Hospice Christmas Party 2017
Thank you to each and everyone who has donated this year to create magical memories.. x
Our Pledge to the Oak House Development
Sophie’s lasting legacy continues at Earl Mountbatten On the fourth anniversary of the death of inspirational Island girl Sophie Rolf (Saturday, 25 November), it has been announced that Sophie’s incredible legacy will enable Earl Mountbatten Hospice to support even...
4 Years….
I’m sure by now most people who follow us have had our announcement today but for those that haven’t here it is in brief.... Through our partnership with Earl Mountbatten Hospice we are proud and privileged to announce the latest development to children’s services...
KissyPuppy Events.
Events to raise awareness and funds for the Sophie Rolf Trust.
Joe Newnham takes on the Haute Route Stelvio
Joe Newnham takes on the Haute Route Stelvio After raising money for a local charity last year, I’ve decided to go for it again. My chosen punishment for the fundraising is the Haute Route Stelvio which is a multi day road bike race in the Italian mountains. The...
Slithering down the outside of a very thin building for KissyPuppy!
Fiona Thorpe from Bembridge Harbour has raised an amazing amount of £2640.00 for KissyPuppy by Abseiling down the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth. We are so grateful to Fiona for all the fundraising she has been doing for us. A word from...
Family Fairy Extravaganza at the Old Thatch Tearooms Shanklin
Family Fairy Extravaganza Sunday 24th June 11am-5pm OLD THATCH TEA SHOP, OLD VILLAGE, SHANKLIN. Games—Raffles Fairy Fancy Dress Competition for Adults and Children Beautiful Gifts—Fab Prizes Fairy Entertainment and Crazy Singalong Everyone is Welcome to our...
Isle of Wight Pearl KissyPuppy Tassel – Back by popular demand
Kissy Puppy Tassel – Back by popular demand Last year, Isle of Wight Pearl proudly supported the Sophie Rolf Trust by producing an exclusive limited-edition Tassel bracelet in Sophie’s favourite colours. £5 from the sale of each bracelets was donated to KissyPuppy,...