Two years ago today we watched as our beautiful little girl was taken into the operating theatre at Southampton General to undergo her first operation to insert a shunt into her brain! Only 24 hours earlier we had received the life changing news that Sophie had a brain tumour – although we didn’t realise at that early stage the severity of this news it immediately turned our world upside down and inside out!!
We cannot believe how time has flown and our butterfly has spread her wings and left us devastated and heartbroken! We can only hope she is in a better place where she can sing and dance and play for all eternity.
We sometimes believe she was merely lent to us for a short period of time to brighten our lives before God wanted his angel back.
For all of you that knew her knew her courage, her selflessness, her generosity and her infectious giggle. She never asked for anything nor complained. We can honestly say that from the moment of her diagnosis she shed not ONE single tear….not a one. No complaining or moaning.
She loved her family and her friends and even strangers – she was wise and caring beyond her years.
To have been blessed to have been her parents is an honour that we shall carry with pride for the rest of our lives.
What she started was amazing. What is now continuing to grow with the kindness and support of everybody shall be her legacy.
Till we dance together again Sophie we shall forever remember you and hope that we make you proud.
Aaron, Gemma and Jack xxx