With a little over two days to go to the Great South Run 2016 our thoughts turn to the reason we took to running. And that reason was our Sophie.
She knew we took part in that first one and it was the thought of her waiting for us that spurred us on. Since then it has been her memory that has driven us forwards…in our running and everything else we do!
Her request to help other children rings in our ears as a reminder of why we do what we do.
The pain and grief we carry is a reminder of why we do what we do.
We have to find our own way through our grief. Just as each and every child is different, so is their mother and father and the relationships between them. The pain we feel at the loss of Sophie is unique to us, but there are others that walk the path of grief with us.
As we prepare for our third run our thoughts turn again to all the people that will be running not just for us but for whatever reason.
Whatever reason spurs them on is as important to them as Sophie was to us.
Our decision to support the Earl Mountbatten Hospice in providing care for children is as important today as it has ever been. We all know the EMH and the amazing work it carries out. It is a place not to finish life but to celebrate it. To remember it. To shout to the world that you have lived and that you shall go on living in the hearts and minds of the people that loved you.
Spare a thought for all the runners on Sunday morning and if you have a few seconds say a prayer for Sophie and all those that we have loved and lost and for those they left behind. And if you have any spare pennies please think of us.
Another year, another run….and 12 more months without you princess.
We carry you with us each and every minute and you’ll be there when we set off and when we cross that finish line xxx