As this first day of 2015 draws to a close Gemma, Jack and myself would once again like to offer up our thanks.
2014 was a tough year packed full of every emotion imaginable!! Not one single day passed where Sophies absence was not felt like a lead weight around our necks…or should I say our hearts.
This last year has certainly seen KissyPuppy go from strength to strength culminating in the opening of Sophies playground ‘The Butterfly Garden’ at the Earl Mountbatten Hospice. Funded completely by all you fantastic people this was the last project Sophie was aware of and is testament to the support and generosity she inspired in so many. This, alongside the multi use rooms KissyPuppy also funded, available in the hospice for children and young adults for end of life & after life care, form a great base to ensure services for children are moving firmly in the right direction….& will continue to grow and develop.
With the recent announcement of a new appointment of a Chief Executive at the hospice our thoughts turn to the incredible level of support the previous two CE’s showed us and can only hope the new one recognises the passion, dedication and commitment that we ALL share to ensure we are not left behind in the provision of care we can offer to children and their families.
As we enter this new year KissyPuppy is still dedicated to assisting in the development and growth of children’s services alongside both the Earl Mountbatten Hospice and the NHS Childrens Community Nurse team. We have a couple of projects in the pipeline and hopefully these will come to fruition and we can continue to make our little butterfly proud.
Happy New Year to you all.
Aaron, Gemma & Jack xxx