This fantastic bunch are part of the NHS Community Nursing Team and they have just finished hosting a Christmas Party at Earl Mountbatten Hospice. A party that KissyPuppy was honoured and proud to be able to fund for a very special group of children and their families.
Children who are living with life-limiting and life shortening conditions and their families that battle on day after day in circumstances that would finish most of us.
A face painter, balloon modeller and the fabulous Huxley the Magician all attended along with a special guest appearance!
This is the lighter side of our support for this team and alongside this we are also very pleased to announce that we have now also funded a permanent office for these guys within the Earl Mountbatten Hospice.
As we strive to better children’s services here on the island this new office will further strengthen the relationship between NHS and the Hospice. A relationship which is crucial for the continuing development and improvement of the services our children deserve and one only possible because of everyone’s continued support.
Gemma, Aaron and Jack xxx