A day in the life of Sophie Rolf starts very early. Sophie has to start her day with anti sickness drugs which she has to take half an hour before she has her chemotherapy. It is then into the car and the short drive from Totland to the Wightlink Car Ferry in Yarmouth which takes her to Lymington.
On this particular trip there was a mirror like calm sea and beautiful sunshine. Sophie cannot start breakfast yet as she must wait an hour after Chemo before she can eat, so Sophie starts breakfast in the car as they drive through the New Forest. Passing the beautiful New Forest Ponies Sophie is now only interested in her breakfast cereal.
Sophie also has homeopathic remedies too; choke berry extract just before meals which is thought to help stop the spread of cancer stem cells, Ruta 6 to combat the brain tumour and Cal-phosphate to combat the side effects of the Radiotherapy which she takes morning and evenings. Sophie also enjoys Elderberry juice for a vitamin boost along with Multi Vitamins (1 with Omega 3 and another with Malt and Flaxseed Oil).
On arrival at Southampton Hospital Sophie has to swipe a scanner to enter and to register her arrival, then on down to Radiotherapy. Sophie seems to know everyone as we walk down the corridors. After a short wait we are ushered into the the Radiotherapy suite where Sophie jumps up onto the table ready to have her mask put on. This is where you realise just how brave this little girl is. My understanding is that most children and some adults have to be sedated to cope with having a mask fitted over their heads and then bolted to a table but not Sophie. Sophie takes it all in her stride, only mentioning a little itch, which with a little wiggle of the mask is alleviated. We are then all escorted from the room while Sophie undergoes her Radiotherapy, all alone.
Everyone in Radiotherapy is so kind and friendly. After Radiotherapy it is usually time to go home but on this occasion Sophie has a meeting with the consultant. This means two trips in the lifts and time to play in the children’s play room where there are toys and things to make and draw.
Finally we get back to the car and drive to the ferry where we have lunch. Another meal on the go.
For Sophie and her parents, doing this Monday to Friday for 6 weeks isn’t much fun.